Reason Code 05Good Faith Investigation Chargeback

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Card Issuer


Reason Code



Service Dispute


Following the retrieval process, the issuer started a good faith investigation, and the merchant accepted liability. A good faith investigation is a dispute that can be initiated well after the standard disputing timeframe has elapsed.


The cardholder learned of the fraudulent charge months or years after the transaction, and the bank agrees to start a Good Faith Investigation.


Cardholders and issuers have up to 2 years to file a dispute related to the claim against the merchant.

Merchants have 30 days to respond to the claim in dispute.

Steps to Prevention

  • Offer great customer service. This includes responding to phone calls, emails, and social media messages.
  • Provide detailed and accurate service and product descriptions.
  • Write policies that are easy to understand.


Good faith investigations can be started up to 2 years after the original transaction. If the merchant accepts liability, the issuer must file a chargeback 30 days after the retrieval request response date.

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