Reason Code 13.2Canceled Recurring Transaction

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Reason Code



Customer Dispute


The cardholder claims the merchant processed a canceled recurring transaction or after the cardholder closed their account.


  • The cardholder withdrew their permission to charge their account.
  • The cardholder canceled a subscription plan payment.
  • The issuing bank or cardholder canceled the card account.
  • The merchant got a notice of the cardholder’s account closure before processing the transaction.


Cardholders and issuers have 120 days to file a dispute related to the claim against the merchant.

Merchants have 20 days to respond to the claim in dispute.

Steps to Prevention

  • Train the sales team on the correct procedure for handling recurring transactions.
  • Take action on cardholder requests to terminate recurring transactions in good time.
  • Send notifications to customers updating them on the cancellation of their subscription and any amount that they owe.
Visa Merchant Official Documentation
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